Educators Gear Up for New Y WA School ReadY Program


Between 19-20 April 2024, early childhood educators from all 14 of our Early Learning Centres (ELCs) embarked on an intensive two-day professional learning experience, focused on the Literacy and Language component of the Y WA School ReadY Program.

This marked a significant milestone in our journey toward launching the Y WA School ReadY Program. It is a new play-based intentional learning program designed to support 3- to 5-year-old children attending our centres, giving them the best start to formal schooling so they can flourish in school and beyond.

Educators were warmly welcomed by Y WA CEO Dr Tim McDonald and Executive Manager of Education, Youth and Leisure, Anjie Brook. Both emphasised the critical need for the School ReadY Program, with an alarming 22 percent of children starting school developmentally vulnerable and one-third of Australian students failing to learn to read proficiently.

Other notable figures present on the day included Literacy Specialist Renee Chakaodza, boldly appointed by the Y WA to provide ongoing support and coaching to educators. Simmone Pogorzelski, researcher at Edith Cowan University also attended and shared promising results from the School ReadY Program Pilot study conducted in 2023.

As the professional learning concluded, educators walked away with a clear understanding of what the Y WA School ReadY Program is and the key research that underpins it. A newfound sense of enthusiasm, determination, and eagerness to implement the Y WA School ReadY Program in their ELC was evident. Staff stand poised to make a lasting positive impact on the children in their care to learn, flourish and be successful once they start formal schooling and beyond.